Wednesday, November 17, 2004

We come to it at last...

Come to what?, is probably the question that leaps to mind. The answer to which I would now provide.

After much thought, followed by months of procrastination, I have finally decided to maintain a blog. So from now on,, will feature the latest events and incidents occurring in Manu Saxena's life. The reasons for my decision to finally maintain a blog are unusual, and I will state them here, lest my motives be questioned.

The semester will end in another couple of weeks, and the majors are just around the corner. In other words, it's finally study time, and life has become boring. No more outings with friends, no more bunking classes, and no more acts of random insanity that I usually indulge in. So, I thought, the best way to spend this time would be to sit at home (or college), and write about my dull and boring life, so that somebody else, with an evidently as boring life, can sit at home (or college), and read all about it.

I would like to let all those who are vela enough to be reading this, know, that comments, encouragements, and suggestions would be acknowledged, and in some cases, appreciated.

With all that cleared, it is time to begin. As stated earlier in the words of the wise wizard, Gandalf the White, we come to it at last...


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