Friday, November 19, 2004

The day that was

Yesterday happened to be quite and eventful day, and I am glad to say that things are finally looking up. I actually managed to understand some of the Maths being done in my lecture classes, and I am probably going for a movie on Sunday. On top of that, I am one thousand rupees richer than I was a couple of days back. And I found out that Brylcreem Extra Strong Hair Gel is much better suited to my hairstyle than the Brylcreem Wet Look Hair Gel that I used until now.

Thursday mornings do tend to go unusually well. This might have something to do with the fact that I get Thursday mornings off. Therefore, Thursday is the only day of the week, on which I can sleep late. So I got up as late as 9:30, followed by a nice and heavy breakfast consisting of gobi ke paranthe. In the middle of this wonderful breakfast, I suddenly realized that I had a Chemistry Practical quiz (Kyuj, in IIT lingo) in the evening at 5:30. This realization seemed to have a profound effect on me, and actually managed to get me studying, even though it was only for about an hour. I tried to cover as much as possible in this period, and by the end of this one hour, I was quite confident that I could survive the test after all (Turns out I was wrong, but that's a different story altogether). By this time it was about 12:00, so I read the newspaper and then started getting ready for my Applied Mechanics class at 2 in the afternoon. At about 1:15, I left home for college, Chemistry lab manual in hand, and iPod earphones plugged into my ears. The journey was a pleasant one, thanks to some songs I had leached from Karan day before yesterday.

A brief digression here to introduce my readers (if any), to Karan.

Karan Misra: Alpha-geek and blogger extraordinaire. He was the one who originally introduced me to the whole blogging concept. He, like me, happens to be an iPod owner. He lives in AIIMS Campus, and studies at DPS, RK Puram, which means that we live nearby, and, till last year, were in the same school. He is currently in class XII, and is the president of Exun, DPSRKP's computer club.

I reached college about five minutes before my ApMech class, and took a brief nap in the lecture theatre. All I remember from that particular lecture is how Trusses and Beams make life 'Veeery Simble.' After that I took a short walk to the SAC (Students' Activity Centre), and was pleasantly surprised to find a checque for Rs. 1000 awaiting me there. As I subsequently found out, it was the Ist prize checque for some quizzing event I had won during Rendezvous 2004. This made me very happy. The happiness, however, was short lived due to the Chemistry Quiz that has found a brief mention before in this particular post. The quiz was disastrous, for reasons that shall not be mentioned here. I would suffice by saying that how I got screwed in the quiz is a long and boring story, and a very unpleasant one at that.

I reached home at about 8:00, and was made acutely aware of how close the majors were, thanks to a reminder by my mother. So I studied a bit of Engineering Drawing (ED), the only interesting course I am doing this semester, before falling asleep listening to The Beatles. Inspite of the chemistry quiz debacle, I do remember being in a state of extreme happiness (probably due to a mixture of ED and The Beatles) before I fell asleep.

My happiness was further compounded by the fact that I was able to understand almost all of the topics done in the maths and chemistry lectures this morning. As a result, I am feeling almost ecstatic as I write this entry. Let's see if 4 hours of Mechanical drawing, followed by an hour of mathematics this afternoon can change my mood.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, Manu starts his blog, does he? Mebbe he would be so kind to link up to the lesser folk of Blah!

Anyhow, will be pleased to read the meanderings of our lesser mortals, in the land of the uber-nerds.

2:08 pm, November 19, 2004  
Blogger Manu Saxena said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:32 am, November 20, 2004  
Blogger Manu Saxena said...

I somehow managed to delete that last comment by mistake. I am pretty new to this.

Anyhow, for the benefit of all those interested in what the comment was:

A comment at last. Thanks Bhavya

I crave for more.

6:36 am, November 20, 2004  
Blogger Gursartaj said...

hello manu
welcome to the world of blogging
u have a new reader

7:04 am, November 20, 2004  
Blogger Manu Saxena said...

Hello Gursartaj

Thanks for that enthusiastic welcome. I am honoured to be a part of the blogging world.

7:51 am, November 20, 2004  

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