Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I return, to the dismay of all.

It has been a very long time since I last wrote. Partly because this last week was probably the dullest week of my life, and partly because I was very busy and had a completely packed schedule, what with tests, quizzes and NCC Parade rehearsals going on. Except for all the stuff mentioned in the last sentence, not much has happened since I last wrote. What has happened, I will proceed to write here.

I saw Amélie (or more accurately Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain) a couple of days back. It is an amazingly well made movie. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. There is only one word that comes to mind when describing the movie: 'Beautiful'. It is a beautiful movie, one of the best I have seen in a long-long time. And if the movie is amazing, the sound-track is even better. It's practically all I've been listening to for the past five days. As a fellow blogger and a friend recently, and very accurately, observed, "It's music you'll fall in love with."

Besides that, one of the other interesting things that have happened since I last wrote is the fact that I have gotten a haircut. What is so interesting about a haircut, you might want to ask. Let me explain. This was no ordinary haircut. I got my hair cut short this time. Really short. I usually like to keep my hair rather long, so this was a big change. The last time I had hair this short was probably sometime back in class tenth. Now, anybody who knows me well, knows that I am rather fond of my hair. So why would I do such a thing to it. The answer is rather simple. A couple of days before Republic Day, the army guy who was supervising our parade came up to me, and issued a threat. The exact phraseology of the threat issued cannot be reproduced here, keeping in mind general standards of decency and sophistication of language. The threat, I would like to say, was extremely effective (Primarily because it was not in keeping with general standards of decency and sophistication of language) and immediately succeeded in its aim, which was to get me to get a haircut. It was, in fact, a lot more effective than was necessary, which explains my present state. My friends at IIT, who are not used to seeing me like this (I have maintained long hair since I joined IIT about seven months back) have started calling me ganja (The Bald One). However, short hair, I would like to add, does have some plus points. I can now save about half a minute every day in the morning, as I don't really have to comb my hair anymore. And the feel of the wind on my scalp is one of the most soothing and uplifting feelings that I have had the good fortune to experience during my, so far, short lifetime.

I did my Republic Day Parade today. As I have probably mentioned earlier on this blog, all IIT NCC Cadets are supposed to put up a Republic Day Parade every year. The Parade went good, and as a result I am 20 hours closer to the required 100 hours that need to be done before I stop viewing approaching weekends with dread and apprehension.

I took my first test, or quiz of the semester three days back. As expected, I got screwed. It is heartening to know that some things have remained the way they were before the winter holidays started. I am beginning to get used to getting screwed in tests and exams now, and this latest disaster (an unmitigated one, I might add) did not disturb me much. Yes, I was momentarily unhappy. But I was back to being my cheerful and bright self exactly 1.5 minutes after the test ended. I think my new-found exuberance and cheeriness has something to do with the short hair. I feel so light and elevated these days. It is as if a great load has been lifted off my head. Or it could just be that I have stopped caring. It's one of those two. Which one, I really don't care.

I got my permanent driving license yesterday. I am, as a result, happy. I am now legally permitted to drive on Indian roads. The only qualm I have with the license is the fact that it shows me with my hair cut short, as it is now. Which means that even if I do manage to grow my hair long again (from the looks of it, I think its going to take years), I will still not be allowed to forget my short-haired state, atleast not till the year 2025 (That's when the frikkin thing expires).
And now I must leave you. This blog entry has gone on long enough.


Blogger The Reader said...

For the want of a better word, Funky haircut dude. Maybe you could put beads or something in it to make it look totally jhakaas :o)

11:09 pm, January 26, 2005  
Blogger Tipsy Topsy said...

Update the pic in the profile..allow us to have the pleasure of seeing the new haircut :P

5:39 am, January 27, 2005  
Blogger Manu Saxena said...

There is no way I am posting a photo of my present state on the net. It's bad enough having that photo on my driving license. I have no intentions of letting it reach my blog.

7:46 am, January 27, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, welcome to the club, Manu.

As they say in our tongue, Shorn to Be Wild.

10:50 am, January 27, 2005  

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